Our Projects




The Project strategy is to empower the Schedule Tribe communities so that they are able to access opportunities for sustainable livelihoods through agriculture.

                                   Irrigation is one of the ways forward toward achieving sustainable agricultural water use, such as reducing water losses in the conveyance and distribution systems, and delivering water directly to the roots of plants using methods like sprinkler, drip, and landscape irrigation.

Project Infrastructure Description

The project focuses on the socio-economic development of the Scheduled Tribes (ST) population in the targeted villages. This SCA to TSP scheme enhances income generation through agriculture. The scheme includes the formation of ST SHG groups, construction of water irrigation resources, installation and distribution of sprinkler systems for scientific agricultural methods, capacity building for hybrid seeds, and market mobilization of agricultural products to secure better prices.

Project Major Component

  1. Training (Farmer Group)
  2. Water Resource Infrastructure Development- Construction of high yield Deep Boring, Electric Motor Pump, Supply Installation upper ground Sprinkler Irrigation.  

Project Major Activities

  1. Identification of Scheduled Tribe-populated villages.
  2. PRA exercise and selection of land holder tribal members and and finalization of locations with pipeline maps.
  3. Verification of selected members land through Circle Officer of the concerned Anchal.
  4. Water Infrastructure Creation as per the technically sanctioned Estimate.
  5. Community and training to use LI and Scientific farming method.
  6. Finally, the created infrastructure was handed over to the Farmer Water User Group.

Impact Summary

The identified villages did not have irrigation infrastructure prior to the introduction of the project. Before the irrigation system was introduced, the growing season lasted only during the rainy season (i.e., June to September), and only one paddy crop could be cultivated. Now, multiple crops and vegetables can be grown throughout the year. As a result, income is generated, and livelihood opportunities are created. Additionally, farmers benefit from affordable and easy-to-set irrigation tools, as well as easy mechanization and automation. With the use of less water, production has increased.

Project Physical Outcomes at the End

  • Beneficiaries
     33-Schedule Tribes Family.
  • Infrastructure created
     08 unit deep boring with Sprinkler irrigation System Supplied.03-ST Master trainer
  • Village
     02 (KARKA AND HIGH TIRUL Village of KUKRU Block)

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